District Museum in Suwalki
16-400 Suwałki, ul. T. Kościuszki 81 | tel. (+48) 87 566 57 50
Exhibition in the form
of panoramic presentation



The realisation of the presentation funded
as part of the programme EU Interreg Lietuva-Polska
Project: LT-PL-5R-389

„Ach!” cabaret

Backstage of the "Ach!" cabaret show
Countess Olga Illińska-Kaszowska, NN
Stanisław Bohusz-Siestrzeńcewicz
photo, private owner

The „Ach!“ cabaret programmes are extremely rare objects. There is not a single copy of the show from 1908. There are only a few photos left which are stored in the Library of the Mikolaj Copernicus University in Toruń and the rest are in the collections of the descendendants of Michal Minkiewicz.